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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Family planning

Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Other techniques commonly used include sexuality education, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections,  pre-conception counseling and management, and infertility management.

Family planning is sometimes used in the wrong way also as a synonym for the use of birth control, though it often includes more. It is most usually applied to a female-male couple who wish to limit the number of children they have and/or to control the timing of pregnancy (also known asspacing children). Family planning may encompass sterilization, as well as pregnancy termination.

Family planning services are defined as "educational, comprehensive medical or social activities which enable individuals, including minors, to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select the means by which this may be achieved."


Raising a child requires significant amounts of resources: time,  social, financial, and environmental. Planning can help assure that resources are available.

See also: Maternal health and teenage pregnancy
Waiting until the mother is at least 18 years old before trying to have children improves maternal and child health. Also, if additional children are desired after a child is born, it is healthier for the mother and the child to wait at least 2 years after the previous birth before attempting to conceive (but not more than 5 years). After a miscarriage or abortion, it is healthier to wait at least 6 months.

Birth control
Main article: Birth control
With recent assertions of overpopulation on Earth, there have been asertions that birth control is the answer. Birth control are techniques and methods use to prevent fertilization or to interrupt pregnancy at various stages.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

About humanism history

The term "humanism" is ambiguous. Around 1806 Humanismus was used to describe the classical curriculum offered by German schools, and by 1836 "humanism" was lent to English in this sense. In 1856, German historian and philologist Georg Voigt used humanism to describe Renaissance humanism, the movement that flourished in the Italian Renaissance to revive classical learning, a use which won wide acceptance among historians in many nations, especially Italy. This historical and literary use of the word "humanist" derives from the 15th-century Italian term umanista, meaning a teacher or scholar of Classical Greek and Latin literature and the ethical philosophy behind it.
But in the mid-18th century, a different use of the term began to emerge. In 1765, the author of an anonymous article in a French Enlightenment periodical spoke of "The general love of humanity ... a virtue hitherto quite nameless among us, and which we will venture to call ‘humanism’, for the time has come to create a word for such a beautiful and necessary thing.” The latter part of the 18th and the early 19th centuries saw the creation of numerous grass-roots "philanthropic" and benevolent societies dedicated to human betterment and the spreading of knowledge (some Christian, some not). After the French Revolution, the idea that human virtue could be created by human reason alone independently from traditional religious institutions, attributed by opponents of the Revolution to Enlightenment philosophes such as Rousseau, was violently attacked by influential religious and political conservatives, such as Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre, as a deification or idolatry of man.Humanism began to acquire a negative sense. The Oxford English Dictionary records the use of the word "humanism" by an English clergyman in 1812 to indicate those who believe in the "mere humanity" (as opposed to the divine nature) of Christ, i.e., Unitarians and Deists. In this polarized atmosphere, in which established ecclesiastical bodies tended to circle the wagons and reflexively oppose political and social reforms like extending the franchise, universal schooling, and the like, liberal reformers and radicals embraced the idea of Humanism as an alternative religion of humanity. The anarchist Proudhon (best known for declaring that "property is theft") used the word "humanism" to describe a "culte, déification de l’humanité" ("cult, deification of humanity") and Ernest Renan in L’avenir de la science: pensées de 1848 ("The Future of Knowledge: Thoughts on 1848") (1848–49), states: "It is my deep conviction that purehumanism will be the religion of the future, that is, the cult of all that pertains to man — all of life, sanctified and raised to the level of a moral value.“
At about the same time, the word "humanism" as a philosophy centered around mankind (as opposed to institutionalized religion) was also being used in Germany by the so-called Left Hegelians, Arnold Ruge, and Karl Marx, who were critical of the close involvement of the church in the repressive German government. There has been a persistent confusion between the several uses of the terms:philosophical humanists look to human-centered antecedents among the Greek philosophers and the great figures of Renaissance history, often assuming somewhat inaccurately that famous historical humanists and champions of human reason had uniformly shared their anti-theistic stance.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


1.Start with a new image, 250x250 pixels. Select a dark gray as the foreground color. Create a new layer, and with the Pen or Paintbrush tool, draw a wire shaped line on it, 15 pixels thick. 

Gradual curves look nice. This may take a few tries to get right.

Name the layer Wire.

2.Make a copy of Wire, by dragging it onto the New Layer button. Double click on the new layer, and rename it Cut Wire.

Hide the original layer Wire, by clicking on it's eye icon in the Layers window. We'll use that layer later on.

Now, grab the Eraser tool, set the brush size to about 5 pixels, and cut the line up.

3.Hold down Ctrl, and click on the hidden Wire layer in the Layers window.

This will create a selection out of the layer Wire's transparency
Next, go to the /b>Channels window, and click the Save selection as channel button.

Select the new Channel in the Channels window, then double click on it and rename it Wire Bevel.

4.Gaussian Blur the selection by 9 pixels, then by 6 pixels, then by 3 pixels, and finally 1pixel.

AutoLevels Ctrl+Shift+L, the selection.

Then, go back to the Layers window, hold down Ctrl and click on the Cut Wire layer to select it's transparency. Return to the Channels window, click on Wire Bevel, press D to reset colors, invert selection Ctrl+Shift+I, and finally clear the selection. Del
Deselect. Ctrl+D

5.Go back to the Layers window, and select the Cut Wire layer.

Filter > Render > Lighting Effects... 

Create a white Directional light, and aim it down, from the top. Then, create a blue directional light, shining up, from the bottom.

Set the Properties to:
Gloss: 100 (Shiny)
Material: -100 (Plastic)
Exposure: 39
Ambience: -21

Set the Texture Channel onto Wire Bevel, and the height to 15.
Now, tweak the positioning and direction of the lights to achieve the desired effect.

6.Now, click on the hidden Wire layer to expose it. Click on it again holding down Ctrl, to create the selection.

To make the line 1 pixel thinner, invert the selection Ctrl+Shift+I, go Select > Modify > Expand... 1 pixel, and clear the selection Del, and Deselect Ctrl+D.

Filter > Render > Lighting Effects... 

And set the Texture Channel to Wire Transparency.

Hit OK, add a dropshadow, and you're finished!


1. Create new file with 72 PPI and white background. The mode has to be Grayscale. Type the text with thick font. 

2. Select > Load Selection 

(Choose Layer Transparency)

3. Layer > Flatten Image

4. Select > Inverse 

5. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize (cell size 4)

6. Select > Inverse

7. Noise > Add Noise 

(Guassian, Monochromatic, Amount. 70)

8. Blur > Guassian blur (Radius 2.0)

9. Image > Adjust > Curve 
(make the curve as shown in fig.)

10. Press Ctrl + D to deselect

11. Image > Adjust > Invert

12. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

13. Filter > Stylize > Wind 

14. Method : Wind Direction : From the Right

15. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW 

16. Image > Mode > RGB

17. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

18. Click Colorize

19. Drag the Saturation slider to 100

20. Drag the Lightness slider to -5

Designing a simple website banner with a logo using Photoshop


Simple step-by-step tutorial on how to create a web site banner and logo in Photoshop. The sample .psd and completed website are also included.
A banner or a header is a graphic that is found at the top of a web site which usually displays the company name and the logo. It is often the first thing a person sees when they open the website. The blending of colors should be attractive, informative, comfortable for the eye and help to convince the viewer to stay on your site.Let's start with our banner. Here we have a general banner and the colors used are soothing to the eyes. It can be used for a fashion and beauty banner or a personal or holiday banner as well.

Follow the below steps to create the above website banner :

Step 1 : Creating the banner size
Open a new file by clicking on File>Open. Make the file size width of 780px and height of 120px. You can go till 140px for the height. You can make a banner flexible according to your design.

Step 2: Giving the background color 
Create a new layer. Name it bgcolor. Give a background color by doing the following:
  • Change the foreground color to #E4D1B8.
  • Click on the  Paint Bucket Tool seen in the tools panel on the right.
  • Click on the canvas with your mouse. Your background color is now changed to the new color.
Step 3 : Giving the inside background color 
Create a new layer. Name it insidecolor. Select  Rectangular Marquee Tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Make the rectangle size width of 760px and height of 100px inside the background. Fill it with color # C64866 using the paint bucket tool.
Step 4 : Creating the logo background
Create a new layer. Name it logobkg. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 120px and height of 100px. Put the rectangle in the left side of the banner. Fill it with black color # 000000.
Step 5 : Creating a logo using the custom shape tool 
Create a new layer. Name it logo. Choose the  custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Ornaments. Look for the ornament which is in the banner.
Drag it in the logo space and position it so it comes in the middle of the logo background. Now you have a temporary ornament as a logo which can be replaced with your company logo if needed.
Step 6 : Creating the vertical lines in the banner 
Create a new layer. Name it band. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 7px and height of 120px. Put the rectangle in the middle of the banner. Fill it with color # E8B0BD. Make four copies of the layer band.
To make a copy, right click on the layer and click on duplicate. A screen named Duplicate Layer will appear.

Enter name of the layer as band copy. Click on OK. Do the same with band copy2, band copy3, band copy4. Place the bands properly in the banner.
Step 8 : Creating the Logo Border 
Create a new layer. Name it border. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 20px and height of 100px. Fill it with color # A63D56. Put the rectangle on the right of the logo background. Make a copy and place the new rectangle on the left of the logo background.

Step 9 : Creating the dashed lines 
Now select the  Horizontal Type Tool (text tool). Type" _________" using the hyphen key. Place it on the top of the banner. Make a copy, right click on the layer and click on duplicate. Place it at the bottom of the banner.

Step 10 : Adding your Company Name
With the text tool  type your company name or website name with the color # FCF3E5.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Facebook (stylized facebook) is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics. The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other better. Facebook allows anyone who declares themselves to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.
A January 2009 study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users, followed by MySpace Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?" Quantcast estimates Facebook has 135.1 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in October 2010. According to Social Media , in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rithin: Aquatic life forms

Rithin: Aquatic life forms: "Earth's surface waters are filled with life. The earliest life forms appeared in water; nearly all fish live exclusively in wate..."

Aquatic life forms

Earth's surface waters are filled with life. The earliest life forms appeared in water; nearly all fish live exclusively in water, and there are many types of marine mammals, such as dolphins and whales. Some kinds of animals, such as amphibians, spend portions of their lives in water and portions on land. Plants such as kelp and algae grow in the water and are the basis for some underwater ecosystems. Plankton is generally the foundation of the ocean food chain.

Aquatic vertebrates must obtain oxygen to survive, and they do so in various ways. Fish have gills instead of lungs, although some species of fish, such as the lungfish, have both. Marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales, otters, and seals need to surface periodically to breathe air. Some amphibians are able to absorb oxygen through their skin. Invertebrates exhibit a wide range of modifications to survive in poorly oxygenated waters including breathing tubes (see insect and mollusc siphons) and gills (Carcinus). However as invertebrate life evolved in an aquatic habitat most have little or no specialisation for respiration in water.

Aquatic plants  are plants that have adapted to living within aquatic environments. They are also referred to as hydrophytes or aquatic macrophytes. These plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water or at the water's surface. Aquatic plants can only grow in water or in soil that is permanently saturated with water. Aquatic vascular plants can be ferns or angiosperms (from a variety of families, including among the monocots and dicots). Seaweeds are not vascular plants but multicellular marine algae, and therefore not typically included in the category of aquatic plants. As opposed to plant types such as mesophytes and xerophytes, hydrophytes do not have a problem in retaining water, due to the abundance of water in their environment. This means that aquatic plants have less need to regulatetranspiration, which would require more energy and be of little benefit to the plant.
Characteristics of aquatic plants:
  • A thin cuticle. Cuticles primarily discourage water loss; thus most hydrophytes have no need for cuticles.
  • Stomata that are open most of time because water is abundant and therefore there is no need for it to be retained in the plant. This means that guard cells on the stomata are generally inactive.
  • An increased number of stomata, that can be on either side of leaves.
  • A less rigid structure: water pressure supports them.
  • Flat leaves on surface plants for flotation.
  • Air sacs for flotation.
  • Smaller roots: water can diffuse directly into leaves.
  • Feathery roots: no need to support the plant.
  • Specialized roots able to take in oxygen.
For example, some species of buttercup (genus Ranunculus) float slightly submerged in water; only the flowers extend above the water. Their leaves and roots are long and thin and almost hair-like; this helps spread the mass of the plant over a wide area, making it more buoyant. Long roots and thin leaves also provide a greater surface area for uptake of mineral solutes and oxygen.
Wide flat leaves in water lilies (family Nymphaeaceae) help distribute weight over a large area, thus helping them float near surface.
Many fish keepers keep aquatic plants in their tanks to control phytoplankton and moss by removing metabolites.
Many species of aquatic plant are invasive species. Aquatic plants make particularly good weeds because they reproduce vegetatively from fragments.