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Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Leech Can Cure Diabetic..?

Leeches Therophy

Medicinal leech - Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus, 1758 – is a bilaterally symmetrical annelid worm of a rather complex structure, which according to the features of embryo development belongs to the group of protostome, coleomate, trochophore animals.

A body of annelid worm consists of many segments. The segmentation asserts itself not only in the outward, but alsoin the internal structure. These worms have a well-developed blood circulation; segmentally set eliminative organs–nephridiums, nervous system –a typical ventral nervous cord. Annelid worms have the secondary body cavity - coelom, which is also segmented. Annelid worms’ body is flattened dorsoventrally.

Leeches living at large are predators or temporal ectoparasites. During blood sucking they stick to the animals. Some species of leeches live in fresh waters, the others- in the sea or on the land.

Therapeutic Benefits for Diabetics
One of the most important substances recognised in leech salivary glands is Hirudin, a substance that suppresses the blood clotting mechanism. If you remember, it was mentioned earlier that Diabetes patients have viscous [thick] blood, which creates a higher risk of developing blood clots. Development and dislodgment of clots into the general circulation poses serious threats to anyone and can cause instant death, so the suppression of blood clotting is essential.Hirudin also has a blood diluting effect, so apart from preventing blood clots; it also thins the blood, allowing the blood to circulate more easily, relieving pressure on the heart and blood vessels.

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